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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance: Latin American Currencies Heat Up

Foreign Exchange         CURRENCY FORECASTS         Latin America has experienced its share of currency crises in recent decades, but for the past few years the region’s currencies have continued to go from strength to ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Focus: Nafta : A Controversial Treaty

Multinationals And Nafta Much lambasted for its effects on the poor, Nafta has proved successful at opening the North American markets—and promoted corporate growth in the process.     As the US presidential primary campaigns neared their conclusion in March, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Focus: Nafta : Terms Of Trade

14 Years On With Nafta once again coming to the forefront of water-cooler discussions as a result of the political ping-pong between Democratic presidential hopefuls in the US, we look back at the development of the ground-breaking free trade agreement ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Focus: Nafta : Who’s Who In Nafta

Nafta Focus Global Finance names the most influential and important people in Nafta commerce and finance. Gastón Azcárraga Andrade President, Consejo Mexicano de Hombres de Negocios, and CEO, Grupo Posadas Mexico Gastón Azcárraga Andrade has been CEO of Grupo Posadas, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Dollar’s fall since 2000 could be near an end

FOREIGN EXCHANGE Analysts are beginning to watch for signs of a solid bottom for the dollar, following its long-term decline since September 2000. The dollar’s multi-year decline is nearing an end, and the greenback already may have hit bottom against ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : India’s biggest ipo ever is first of 35 this year

GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS Mumbai-based Reliance Power raised $3 billion in January in India’s largest-ever initial public offering. The shares sold represented a 10% stake in the company, which aims to provide electricity to power the country’s fast growth but which so ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Microsoft’s bid for yahoo gets M&A back on track

  MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS     Apart from the ongoing consolidation in the financial services industry, January was an extremely slow month for mergers and acquisitions. That all changed quickly on February 1, however, with Microsoft’s $44.6 billion bid for ...


Features : Opportunity Play

SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS Sovereign wealth funds snap up bargains in one of the biggest financial industry land grabs in history.   Bader Al Sa'ad, head of Kuwait's SWF, helped arrange a huge cash infusion for Citi. To say Citi and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features: Riding A Growth Wave

SECTOR REPORT / SHIPPING FINANCE Growth in world trade spurs demand for financing of ships and terminals. Sharp growth in the size of cargo ships has prompted expansion of the Panama canal.     Sharp growth in the size of ...

Award Winners

Features: Worlds Best Treasury Providers 2008

ANNUAL SURVEY/ TREASURY & CASH MANAGEMENT Global Finance selects the best treasury and cash management banks, globally and by region, and the best providers of treasury management systems and services by category. The past year has seen the challenges facing ...