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Casablanca Wins Award, And Investments

Forget Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Casablanca is carving a new identity as a financial hub, with the Casablanca Finance City (CFC) recently topping the Global Financial Centers Index in Africa.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Celebrating 25 Years Of Investment

In April the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) commemorated a quarter-century of history, with president Suma Chakrabarti emphasizing how far the Bank had come since its first investment—to WBK Bank in Poland (now Bank Zachodni WBK).

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

China’s Currency Fixings Suggests Move Toward Market Rate

The People’s Bank of China has introduced bigger movements in its daily fixings of the country’s currency against the dollar. If sustained, this subtle change could signal that the central bank is preparing to allow greater flexibility in foreign exchange trading.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Defense Spending Sparks Global Interest

India’s “Make in India” campaign has begun to pay dividends in the defense sector—a field where sharing of technology, processes and patented know-how by global giants does not happen easily.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Giving Back To Mother Nature

Corporate sustainability is no longer just a box-ticking exercise. Increasingly, CFOs are making the link between measuring the environmental, social and cultural impact of their activities and long-term business value.

Award Winners

Internationalization Picks Up Speed

Bank of China, the fourth-largest bank in the world, has been an ener-getic leader in expanding overseas. In an interview with Global Finance, Chen Siqing, the bank’s president, spoke about internationalization efforts and the importance of overseas growth.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Kingdom’s Economy Sputters, Austerity Plan Unveiled

Low oil prices are taking a heavy toll on Saudi Arabia’s economy, which is facing even greater austerity under deputy crown prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud’s plans to raise $100 billion a year from subsidy cuts and new levies.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

New US Inversion Rules To Have Impact Abroad

The US Treasury’s latest measure to keep US companies from reincorporating in lower-tax countries is its strongest effort yet to halt so-called “inversions,” and could have far-reaching consequences for multinationals.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Preparing An Exit Strategy

If the Brits leave the Eurozone, it will have major repercussions for companies doing business in the UK. So why aren’t non-Brits paying more attention? Global Finance lays out the Brexit consequences for international corporations and for global commerce.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Seeking A More Stable World Economy

Alberto Bisin, professor of econo-mics at New York University and fellow at the Econometric Society, studies social, financial and behavioral economics, regulation and income distribution. He spoke with Global Finance on Brexit and other global risks.