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NEW YORK, May 12, 2009 Global Finance magazine has released its seventh annual ranking of the Best Sub-Custodians. This exclusive...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features: The Lure Of Foreign Shares

Banks have created 1,400 new unsponsored ADR programs to meet-and hopefully generate-growing demand, particularly from investors in separately managed accounts. By Gordon Platt The long drought in initial public offerings has slowed the pace of raising capital ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets: Egyptian Auto Group Trades In Ny And London

DR NEWS By Gordon Platt Cairo-based GB Auto, Egypt's largest listed automaker, auto assembler and distributor, issued global depositary receipts that trade in the New York and London over-the-counter markets. It issued the GDRs without a capital increase. ...

Country Report

Features: Country Report – Portugal

LESS PAIN, MORE GAIN Portugal's pre-credit crunch party was not as wild as that of many other countries, and its hangover should be much less severe as a result. By Adam Rombel You do not have to ...


Features: Profiting From Prudence

Despite a recent drop in profits amid the country's economic slowdown, Brazilian banks are poised for long-term growth. By Antonio Guerrero Amid a turbulent global market, Brazil's banking and financial sector is proving remarkably resilient. A stringent regulatory environment, strong ...

Award Winners

Features: World’s Best Sub-custodians

SUB-CUSTODIANS TACKLE NEW CHALLENGES Global Finance selects the leading providers of the specialized services that make cross-border investing possible. By Gordon Platt Global custodians and money managers are putting their sub-custodians under the microscope in the wake ...


Central Bankers Report Cards 2008

CENTRAL BANKER REPORT CARDS 2008 ANNUAL SURVEY/ CENTRAL BANKER REPORT CARDS Contributors: Antonio Guerrero, Anita Hawser and Gordon Platt History...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover Story: All Change

Recent financial turmoil has accelerated the seismic shifts taking place in the balance of global economic and political power. How the major powers act in the coming years will determine the future shape of globalization. BY LAURENCE NEVILLE The global ...