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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Free-Float Rules Could Boost Indian DRs

Emerging Markets Investor: DR News By Gordon Platt India’s finance ministry issued neles in June requiring listed companies to have a public float of at least 25% of their shares. The new rules could prompt a rush of ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

TCM: Who’s Who

WHO'S WHO Who’s Who in Treasury and Cash Management By Vanessa Drucker Donald E. Berk Senior Vice President, Corporate & Institutional Services Northern Trust As director of product and process management for enterprise banking services at ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Trading Up

ANALYSIS — ASIA'S EXPORTERS By Thomas Clouse Asia’s exporters are all benefiting as China’s manufacturers begin to move up the value chain. The Asian economic miracle is hardly a new story, but every once in a while, ...

Country Report

Country Report: Egypt

GETTING SMART By Gordon Platt Egypt is turning to information technology to create a knowledge-based economy. Near the pyramids at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt's first technology park is changing the desert landscape. A total ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DR Trading Sets Record In First Half

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt Depositary receipt trading worldwide rose 8.3% to more than 78 billion DRs in the first half of this year and was valued at a record $1.84 trillion, according to ...


Midsize Companies Going Global — But Not Too Global

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES/ GLOBAL By Gordon Platt Midsize companies in the US are increasingly turning to overseas markets to boost their sales, but they are sticking to what they see as safe markets—those they understand, such as Canada ...


Gulf Report: Exchanges Enrich Technology

MARKET MAKERS Exchanges Upgrade Technology And Add New Products By Gordon Platt Financial markets across the Gulf region are working hard to enhance the breadth and depth of services they offer. Financial markets in the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Airline And Telecom Mergers Heat Up

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt Consolidation in the US airline and global telecom industries has kept merger activity going in the past few months. The proposed merger of United Airlines, based in Chicago, ...

Award Winners

Best Supply Chain Finance Providers 2010

ANNUAL SURVEY —BEST SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCE PROVIDERS 2010 Joining The Chain Gang By Anita Hawser The leading players in the supply chain finance business demonstrate the benefits of innovation and commitment to a growing market. A ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Books Excerpt: Losing Control

BOOKS —LOSING CONTROL By Stephen D. King The world is witnessing a massive redistribution of wealth as the West learns it can no longer live beyond its means, says HSBC's group chief economist Stephen D. King, author of ...