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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Business Confidence Crumbles Amid Economic Gloom

INDIA     Building hope: One of the few brights spots in the Indian economy, real estate still attracts investors. Leading Indian manufacturers have dismissed the Indian government’s $4 billion stimulus package as insufficient. The Federation of Indian Chambers of ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : Eastern Promise

CHINA AND INDIA As the global economy continues to struggle, many are hoping China and India will save the world from a synchronized dive into recession.     Growth industry: India's call center business is flourishing. As the United States ...

Award Winners

Features : World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2009

BEST FX PROVIDERS Global Finance selects the leaders in the world’s biggest financial market.   The foreign exchange market has continued to thrive throughout the global financial crisis, providing some welcome profits for beleaguered financial institutions. Average daily turnover has ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Ethanol Industry Faces Prospect Of Demand Slump

Brazil       Not so sweet: Predicted demand for Brazil's ethanol is falling. Just a year after Petrobras, Brazil’s state-controlled oil company, predicted Brazil would triple its annual ethanol output to around 70 billion liters by 2020, the market ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Dollar Shoots Higher Amid Financial Crisis

FOREIGN EXCHANGE     The dollar will resume its remarkable comeback as slumping economies around the world trigger rising credit defaults and usher in a new flight to safety, currency analysts say. “Developments in the credit and equity markets will ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover Story : Capitalizing on the Crisis

  CAPITALIZING ON THE CRISIS RETURN OF THE IMF As crippled nations beat a path to its door, the IMF is enjoying a dramatic return from near-irrelevance. How it wields its revived power and influence will determine its long-term future. ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Employment Market Shrugs Off Global Downturn

INDIA     Boom from bust: State Bank of India is taking on more staff as business builds strongly. India’s job market appears to have escaped unscathed in the global wave of retrenchment. There were concerns that the outsourcing industry ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Features : Breaking Up Or Breaking Down?

THE DECOUPLING DEBATE Proponents of the theory that emerging markets are decoupling from the West’s economies have had a tough year. Their vision may yet be coming true, though.   If the United States sneezes, the rest of the world ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : Down But Not Out

ASIA Asia’s emerging markets could not avoid the fallout from the credit crunch, but they stand a good chance of emerging stronger than ever as the dust settles.   The 21st century has been good to most emerging economies so ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance: Dollar Shoots Higher Amid Financial Crisis

FOREIGN EXCHANGE       As the financial crisis shook Europe’s banks last month, the European Central Bank joined in a coordinated half-point rate cut with the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and other central banks, excluding the Bank ...