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Country Report

Country Report: Turkey

STAYING THE COURSE By Gordon Platt Turkey has bounced back from a sharp economic contraction to become one of the region’s best performers. Its prospects are brighter than ever. Turkey's constitutional referendum last month gave a boost ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover Story: Global Markets Brace For The Aftershock

GLOBAL MARKET BRACE FOR THE AFTERSHOCK Many countries still have a long way to go to convince investors that they are not likely to suffer a sovereign default. By Laurence Neville Just as the mood was lifting ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features: Spotlight – EBRD

POST-CRISIS MANAGEMENT The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has found new relevance—and a key role—in the aftermath of the financial crisis. By Justin Keay Aside maybe from Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan, few banks have emerged ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DR Trading Sets Record In First Half

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt Depositary receipt trading worldwide rose 8.3% to more than 78 billion DRs in the first half of this year and was valued at a record $1.84 trillion, according to ...

Award Winners

The World’s Best Sub-Custodians

ANNUAL SURVEY: THE WORLD'S BEST SUB-CUSTODIANS Sub-Custodians Feeling The Heat Global investing in turbulent times puts the spotlight on local safekeepers. By Gordon Platt As they seek to reassure investors that their assets in foreign ...

Award Winners

Awards: Islamic Financial Institutions

ISLAMIC FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AWARDS 2010 Islamic financial institutions were not immune to the turmoil of the past two years, but their strict ethical code helped them prosper in many areas where others foundered. By Laurence Neville The ...

Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2010: Sector Winners

SECTOR WINNERS Consumer Lazard Lazard was financial adviser on some of the biggest deals of 2009, including Kraft Foods' takeover of Cadbury, the British chocolate maker. This deal stands as a tribute to Bruce Wasserstein, the veteran dealmaker and ...