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Includes historical data for Moldova’s Gross Domestic Product growth, debt-to-GDP ratio and more, as well as information on trade, banking...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


In our 21st annual survey, Global Finance identifies the best banks in 150 countries and eight regions. The winners are not always the biggest banks, but rather, the best—those with the qualities that corporations should look for when choosing a bank.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Ukraines Startling About-Face

FRONTIER MARKETS REPORT By Dan Keeler Ukraine’s decision to turn its back on Western Europe has seriously undermined its near-term appeal, but long-term opportunities remain. Perhaps more than any other country in Europe, Ukraine is torn between ...


World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers

ANNUAL SURVEY — STABILITY AMID CHANGE By Gordon Platt A global investigation into trading irregularities has not hampered growth or innovation in one of the world’s largest and most volatile markets—foreign exchange. The $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign exchange ...


World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2013

<em style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">Global Finance<span style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">magazine has named the World’s Best Foreign ExchangeProviders 2014.</span>

Award Winners

Awards: World’s Best Banks 2013

BRIGHT STARS By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt Following a year that included some of the biggest scandals in banking history—the London Whale, the Libor rate-fixing scandal, widespread money laundering, insider trading, rogue trading and ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2013: Europe

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt TOUGH TIMES CONTINUE IN EUROPE Europe remains mired in recession. Apart from Germany and the Nordics, major European economies are either flatlining or, as among the southern peripherals, contracting ...

Award Winners


Global FinanceannouncesThe Winners’ CircleA ranking of the Top Winners of our Annual Awards over the magazine’s 25-year history NEW YORK, June...