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Award Winners

Awards: World’s Best Subcustodians 2012

NEW HORIZONS By Gordon Platt With every new regulation that hits global trust and custody banks, a new service is born for subcustodians. Keeping up is expensive and challenging, but nonetheless it is a good time to be ...

Award Winners

Winners’ Circle: Subcustodians

REIGNING SUPREME By Kathryn Tully Global Finance evaluates the Best of the Best Subcustodians in The Winners' Circle: An ongoing look at the top awards winners over the magazine's 25-year history, launched as part of our 25th Anniversary ...

Country Report

Country Report: Russia

BATTLING THE STATUS QUO By Justin Keay Although the government has pledged to improve the business clime, foreign investors remain skeptical that much-needed reform will happen—at least in the short term. Russia is in a state of ...

Award Winners


Global FinanceannouncesThe Winners’ CircleA ranking of the Top Winners of our Annual Awards over the magazine’s 25-year history NEW YORK, June...


Cover Story: EUROPE 2020

AFTER THE TURMOIL: WHAT COMES NEXT? By Jonathan Gregson, Justin Keay and Vanessa Drucker How the European Union will look in 2020 is unclear. Whether it will see tighter union, a tiered eurozone, or will cease to exist ...

Award Winners

Best Foreign Exchange Providers: Regional Winners

By Gordon Platt BEST FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROVIDERS: REGIONAL WINNERS NORTH AMERICA Citi Feig, Citi: We have invested in people and technology and are seeing our market share rise as a result As Citi prepares to celebrate its 200th anniversary in ...


EM Regional Review: CEE

WINTER OF DISCONTENT By Justin Keay Although there are some bright spots, many CEE countries face the prospect of another economic downturn thanks to tight European ties. For most countries in the postcommunist world, 2011 ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Sector Report: Mining

GO WITH GOLD By Michael Shari Runaway gold prices are empowering mining companies to finance themselves—and forcing banks to innovate, providing opportunities for investors that are willing to take on more complex risk. Kinross Gold has sworn off ...