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World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2013

<em style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">Global Finance<span style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">magazine has named the World’s Best Foreign ExchangeProviders 2014.</span>


Islamic Trade Finance: New Silk Road Getting Crowded

SPECIAL REPORT: ISLAMIC TRADE FINANCE By Anita Hawser Islamic trade finance is of increasing interest, but whether it will be successful depends on market forces. Shariah-compliant trade finance is an ancient tradition with a long history of supporting economic activity ...


Central Banker Report Cards 2013

‘A’ FOR EFFORT, ‘B-’ FOR RESULTS By Antonio Guerrero, Anita Hawser and Gordon Platt Global Finance presents its annual report on the performance of the world’s central bank governors. There are a lot of new faces among ...


Cover Story: World’s Best Banks 2013

TECHNOLOGY IS THE TRUMP CARD By Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero, Anita Hawser, Gordon Platt and Michael Shari Global Finance unveils its annual list of the best banks globally, regionally and by country. The winners have all demonstrated dedication ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Middle East: Iraqi Oil Pressures OPEC

EMERGING MARKETS ROUNDUP By Gordon Platt Rising Iraqi output could well represent the largest increase to global oil supplies over the coming years, easily outstripping projected gains from US shale oil, according to a report by National Bank ...


Awards: Best Internet Banks—Round 1

ANNUAL SURVEY — THE PIONEERS By Adam Rombel In the first of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the top online corporate and consumer banks by country and regionally by product or service category. Global Finance is ...


GCC: Abu Dhabi’s New Financial Center

REGIONAL SUPERSECTION — STEPPING UP THE COMPETITION By Gordon Platt Does the Gulf Cooperation Council need yet another international financial center? Oil-rich Abu Dhabi thinks it does. The United Arab Emirates is about to open its second ...


GCC: Infrastructure Investment

REGIONAL SUPERSECTION — SEEKING A NEW MODEL By Anita Hawser As the infrastructure boom continues, it may be time for GCC countries to reevaluate how they select and fund new projects. “Abu Dhabi cannot rely solely on ...