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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Country Report: Turkey

ENGINEERING THE NEW TURKEY By Justin Keay Major infrastructure investments and improved economic strength are just two of a number of positive developments to come out of Turkey in the past year. Ankara stunned investors in February ...


World’s Best Banks 2013: Asia

<p>By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt REGIONAL ECONOMY ON SOLID GROWTH PATH Asia’s regional economy continues to grow steadily, despite the tepid recovery in the United States and sovereign debt issues in Europe. The region’s ...</p>

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2013: Middle East

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt CONSERVATIVE LENDING AND RECORD EARNINGS IN THE MIDDLE EAST Many of the largest banks in the Middle East posted record earnings in 2012, as they continued to pursue conservative lending ...

Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2013: Country Winners

COUNTRY WINNERS By Michael Shari COUNTRY WINNERS NORTH AMERICA Canada BMO Capital Markets US J.P. Morgan LATIN AMERICA Argentina Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires Brazil Itaú BBA Chile Banco de Chile Colombia Bancolombia ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Equity: Rising Stock Market Fires Up IPOs

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt A rising tide lifts all ships, and the bull market in stocks is enabling a number of technology and housing-related companies, particularly in the US, to float initial public offerings. ...


Middle East 2013: UAE: Visions Of Splendor

VISIONS OF SPLENDOR By Gordon Platt Investor confidence has returned to the UAE, with the former debt-laden emirate of Dubai once again planning major infrastructure projects. Even a new financial center is planned for construction. Dubai continues ...


Ranking: Safest Banks Midyear Update

SEARCHING FOR SECURITY By Andrew Cunningham Global Finance presents its half-year update to the World’s Safest Banks Ranking. Canadian banks suffer downgrades but remain well represented in global safest rankings. Downgrades by both S&P and Moody’s have ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Regional Report: Asia

A DECOUPLING IN THE WORKS By Udayan Gupta Intraregional investment within Asia is starting to take hold—reducing reliance on demand from developed markets. When Essar Power, a unit of Asian energy giant Essar Energy, raised approximately $900 ...