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Equity: Companies Raise More DR Capital

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt The pace of capital raising using depositary receipts has accelerated sharply from last year, and the pipeline of future issues is strong, DR bankers say. Much of the recent activity ...


Frontier Markets Focus: Cambodia

<p><strong>THE CONTENDER</strong><br /> Cambodia is emerging as a key investment destination—and potential consumer market—for companies focused on Southeast Asia. After more than a decade of 6%-plus growth—with just one hiccup during the global crisis in 2009—this nation of 15 million people has begun attracting serious interest.</p>


Milestones: New Frontiers In Financing For Bangladesh

MILESTONES: BANGLADESH By Udayan Gupta Even as Bangladesh tries to extricate itself from the Rana Plaza building collapse, the Dhaka disaster that killed more than 1,100 garment workers, one private equity fund is trying to infuse new capital into ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

SIBOS 2013: Innotribe: Enabling The Finance Team Of The Future

REVEALING INNOVATION By Rebecca Brace A number of new technology solutions building a presence, thanks to SWIFT’s annual start-up challenge, hold the promise of making life easier in corporate treasury and financial management. There are plenty of ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Subcustodians 2013: Country Winners

<p>COUNTRY WINNERS Argentina Citi Armenia Ameriabank Australia HSBC Austria UniCredit Bank Austria Bahrain HSBC Belgium KBC Brazil Itaú Unibanco Canada CIBC Mellon Chile Banco de Chile China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Commercial Bank of China Colombia Citi Croatia ...</p>

Award Winners

World’s Best Subcustodians 2013: Regional Winners

By Gordon Platt NORTH AMERICA Citi Lee Waite: The rules of the game are not static Citi is the largest subcustodian in the US, the world’s biggest subcustody market. The bank also has the largest proprietary network in the industry, ...


Payment Instruments: E-Money

<p>The European Commission Office of Internal Markets defines e-money--or electronic money--as the digital equivalent of cash, stored on an electronic device or remotely at a server. Data is from the Bank for International Settlements' Statistics on payment, clearing and settlement ...</p>


Payment Instruments: E-Payments

<p>Electronic payment can refer just to e-commerce--or payments for buying and selling goods or services offered online--or to any type of electronic funds transfer. It includes such payment channels as direct debit, e-money, card payments, and credit transfers. Data is ...</p>