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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover Story: All Change

Recent financial turmoil has accelerated the seismic shifts taking place in the balance of global economic and political power. How the major powers act in the coming years will determine the future shape of globalization. BY LAURENCE NEVILLE The global ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Exchange-Traded Derivatives Prove Their Worth

EXCHANGE-TRADED DERIVATIVES PROVE THEIR WORTH As product offerings grow and pricing improves, exchange-traded derivatives are increasingly appealing to both corporate and institutional buyers of derivatives contracts. By DENISE BEDELL Of the lessons learned by companies during the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Future Imperfect

Swooning equity markets have added to the troubles facing many corporate pension plans and will only accelerate the move to defined contribution plans. By Anita Hawser For some time now observers have been warning of a looming pension crisis ...

Country Report

Features : Turbulent Times

T URBULENT TIMES Despite global economic challenges, Greece presents investors with opportunities. By Adam Rombel Things are bad everywhere, but they are not as bad here. That sums up the plight of the economy and business climate ...

Award Winners

Features: Best Investment Banks

The clouds parted over the investment banking business in the first quarter of this year amid some hope that a more sustainable model for success is emerging. By Gordon Platt September 21, 2008, was a date that may be ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features: Cash Is King Again

The credit crunch made life more difficult for corporate treasurers in many waysnot least in managing their relationships with their...

Award Winners

Features: Islamic Financial Institutions Awards 2009

Global Finance selects the winners in a fast-growing area of finance that combines investing according to the tenets of Islamic law with modern financial products and systems. By Laurence Neville For a brief moment it seemed that the world ...


Regulars : Newsmakers : United Kingdom

While the economic crisis has demonstrated the shortcomings of “light-touch” regulation—leaving the market to virtually regulate itself—banks remain unconvinced about the benefits of a single global regulator. By Anita Hawser While the economic crisis has demonstrated the shortcomings ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Milestones : Countries count cost of credit crisis

It’s not just companies that are caught in the fallout from the credit crunch; countries are suffering, too. In the latest assessment from risk analysis firm Coface, 47 countries—including the US, the UK, Japan and Germany—have seen their financial-strength rating ...