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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Weak Dollar Unlikely To Reach Crisis Stage

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS  / FOREIGN EXCHANGE     The dollar tumbled to a record low against a basket of leading currencies known as the dollar index at the end of September and likely will fall further, but no dollar crisis ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover Story : Stop Party People

PARTY ON! PRIVATE EQUITY   Private equity has had a tough year. It was hounded by legislators for its methods during the first half of 2007. And in the second half it was hit by the credit crunch. Can its ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Foreign Telecommunications Companies Embark

INDIA     India calling: Global telecom firms muscle in on a fast-growing market. Following the recent acquisition of Indian telecom company Hutchinson Essar by Vodafone Group in May 2007 for $11 billion, Russian telecom company Sistema’s acquisition of a ...


Features : Buyout Or Sellout?

FOCUS / CANADA FOR SALE   The buyout boom of Canadian companies is stirring intense controversy and throwing a harsh spotlight on the role of corporate executives.   As the selloff of Canada’s biggest and best-known companies reaches record levels, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Commercial Paper Market Dries Up

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS / CORPORATE DEBT The market for short-term corporate IOUs, or commercial paper, has continued to shrink in recent weeks amid the spreading credit crunch, putting more pressure on traditional bank credit lines. Commercial paper outstanding in the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Deals Still Getting Done, But They Are Smaller

MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS The global credit crunch appears to be having a major impact on the size and financing of takeovers, where cash deals for much smaller targets are increasingly the rule. The biggest announced M&A; transaction worldwide in August ...

Country Report

Features : Aiming To Please

COUNTRY REPORT / PHILIPPINES     Schleimer: The Clean Air Act could be used to regulate greenhouse gases With the May general election safely behind it, the Philippine government hopes to use the next three years of relative political quietude ...

Country Report

Features : Balancing Act

COUNTRY REPORT / BRAZIL     Buffeted by the shockwaves from the US subprime mortgage crisis, Brazil has to steer a steady course if it is to keep its economic development on track.     Buffeted by the shockwaves from ...