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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Croatia Finally Joins The EU Fold

Croatia becomes 28th member of the EU In 2004, when nine former Communist countries joined the EU, there were widespread...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Country Report: Portugal

MODEL FOR GROWTH? By Vanessa Drucker The Troika’s “darling of reform” is in its third year of recession. Citizens—and policy-makers—want to see the promised economic rebound. Portugal and the European Union depend on one another. On the one ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover: Three Scenarios for Brazil

SUNSET, OR A NEW SUNRISE? By Michael Shari Brazil faces a monumental challenge in meeting the expectations of its citizens,...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Milestones: Finns Take Action To Sustain Reputation For Innovation

MILESTONES: FINLAND By Paula L. Green Even though the financial fortunes of mobile-phone manufacturer Nokia continue to weaken, Finland is not letting go of its reputation for technological innovation. The Nordic country seems intent on sustaining the type ...


Milestones: New Frontiers In Financing For Bangladesh

MILESTONES: BANGLADESH By Udayan Gupta Even as Bangladesh tries to extricate itself from the Rana Plaza building collapse, the Dhaka disaster that killed more than 1,100 garment workers, one private equity fund is trying to infuse new capital into ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Newsmakers: Ambassador Leads Charm Offensive On Trade

NEWSMAKERS: ECUADOR By Gordon Platt Five days after Ecuador’s left-leaning president Rafael Correa was inaugurated for a third and final four-year term, the country’s ambassador to the US, Nathalie Cely, addressed a group of business leaders and investors at ...