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India And Indonesia: Going Cold Turkey

The prospect of US Fed “tapering” is still taking its toll on Indonesia and India, as both nations face mounting deficits and international pressure for structural reform.


India: Changing The Mix

The Reserve Bank of India wants foreign banks operating in India to convert into wholly-owned subsidiaries and enjoy “near-national” treatment.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Latin America: Libra Rising

EMERGING MARKETS REGIONAL REVIEW Latin America may be experiencing its worst slowdown in economic growth since the global financial crisis, but there are some bright spots for investors willing to play a long game. While some analysts had predicted 2014 ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: Dial M for Merger

Telecommunications was the most active industry sector for mergers and acquisitions during the first nine months of 2013 and remained active in October.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Middle East: A Different Kind Of Fuel

Oil may be the liquid that drives many of the economies in the Middle East, but the spread of the Internet has unleashed a new generation of tech-entrepreneurs and start-ups, fueling hopes of a non-oil economy for the future.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

North Korea: Ignore The Sanctions

North Korea has taken modest steps in recent weeks to liberalize its economy by introducing new special economic zones (SEZs), loosening currency exchange restrictions and strengthening foreign trade relationships.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Peru: A Market-Friendly PM

In a widely anticipated cabinet reshuffle at the end of October, Peruvian president Ollanta Humala appointed 67-year-old Cesar Villanueva the country’s new prime minister, the fourth of his four-year term.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Polls & Stats: Welcome Mat

Doing Business: Who Improved The Most In 2012/13 “In 2012/13, 29 economies implemented three or more reforms improving their business regulatory systems as measured by Doing Business. Ten stand out as having narrowed the distance to frontier the most. Together, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Qatar: Business As Usual?

COUNTRY REPORT Despite the change of leadership Qatar has undergone, the new emir is expected to follow his father’s lead, building on the country’s early economic gains by diversifying beyond oil and gas.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Slovenia Prospers Against The Odds

Despite recurrent anti-government protests and corruption scandals, Slovenia, the tiny Adriatic republic of just over two million, ranks as the 24th-most-prosperous country in the world, according to the annual Legatum Institute Prosperity Index, which ranks 142 countries by criteria like entrepreneurship and opportunity and personal freedom as well as economy.


South Sudan: New Country, Familiar Story

As African countries increasingly appear on investors’ radars, the world’s newest country, South Sudan, is forging ahead with its drive to attract foreign investment.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

The Two Faces Of Africa

Africa continues to outperform other emerging markets, but not all of its 54 countries are moving at the same pace when it comes to political, economic and social developments.