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Economics, Policy & Regulation

India: Landmark Reform To Unify Taxes

<strong>India</strong> | The Indian parliament’s adoption of a constitutional amendment bill has paved the way for the biggest tax reform in the $2 trillion economy’s history, as Narendra Modi’s government prepares to usher in a dramatic change in the tax regime: a single goods and services tax (GST) that subsumes all central, state and local levies.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Masala Bonds Go Greener

<strong>INDIA</strong> | Introduced just a year ago, “green” masala bonds—offshore rupee-denominated bonds to fund private-sector investment addressing climate change—are hot.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Once Bitten, Twice Finance Minister

<strong>Indonesia |</strong>Can themuch-admired former Finance Minister of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati,bring back the magic in her second tour in the post?

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Technology As Pixie Dust

<strong>Cross-Border Payments</strong> | Magic is only for fairy tales, but new technologies promise a magical transformation in cross-border payments.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Turkey: Wary After Coup Trauma

<strong>Turkey</strong> | It’s way too early to determine the long-term cost to Turkish democracy and society of July’s failed coup, and it is equally tricky to assess its immediate impact on Turkish investment and business.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

The China Syndrome

<strong>ASIA | </strong>As the regional powerhouse restructures and tackles debt problems, neighboring nations are feeling the impact.

Country Report

Asia’s Big-Project Funding Gap

<strong>ASIA |TheAsian Infrastructure Investment Bankbegan its efforts tofinance Asia’s vast need for infrastructure this year. What are the prospects?</strong>


Economic Reforms Sweep Gulf States

These are exciting times for the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as the decline in oil revenues is forcing them to finally make dramatic changes to their oil-based economies.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Scandal Drives New Trading Methods

Following the FX benchmark rate-fixing scandal, which saw six banks fined almost $6 billion, currency traders at corporate and financial institutions worldwide are revising how they execute transactions.