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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

India: Will Roy Finally Face The Music?

NEWSMAKERS By K.A. Badarinath Indian law enforcement agencies finally caught up with Subrata Roy, the Indian multibillionaire and corporate baron...



Getting rid of the “stan” on the end of his country’s name is just one of the many ambitions Kazakhstan’s leader has for his increasingly prosperous country.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Middle East FDI: Infrastructure Boom

MIDDLE EAST 2014 SUPPLEMENT By Gilly Wright The Arab Spring dissuaded many companies from investing in the Middle East-North Africa...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Middle East Oil & Gas: Iranian Win?

MIDDLE EAST 2014 SUPPLEMENT By Ronald Fink Some analysts think the Ukrainian crisis could help improve prospects for Middle Eastern...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Middle East Thrives Amid Political Flux

The economies of the Middle East continue to prosper despite ongoing instability. In some cases, that instability is creating the greatest opportunities. However, any prospects for investing do come with a unique set of risks.


Middle East: Islamic Finance Flourishes

MIDDLE EAST 2014 SUPPLEMENT By Gordon Platt Islamic finance is going mainstream, with Western countries planning to issue their first sovereign sukuk. It still constitutes only a small percentage of total global financial assets, and most activity is ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Peru: Hitting The Golden Years

MILESTONES By Tiziana Barghini Ranked 91st by the World Economic Forum for the relatively poor quality of its infrastructure, Peru...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Qatar: Spotlight On Labor Reform

MIDDLE EAST 2014 SUPPLEMENT By Gordon Platt Occurring on the global stage, the World Cup 2022 is helping to highlight labor market reform in Qatar. At least 400 Nepalese construction workers have died in Qatar in the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


Mozambique’s future rests on monetizing reserves of coal, natural gas, titanium and other minerals.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Roundtable: Taiwan

ROOM TO GROW Moderated by Andrea Fiano At a roundtable in Taipei, Global Finance brought together key figures in Taiwans...