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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Deal Detectives

Today, due diligence means digging deeper and getting granular, as there is less leeway for underwriting assumptions to be wrong.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Japan: Regional Bank M&A On The Rise

Japan'spolicymakers are encouraging consolidation in the banking system, sparkinga wave of regional bank mergers and acquisitions.


Metaverse: Banking Beyond Borders

Financial institutions such as J.P. Morgan, DBS, Caixa and others are experimenting in the not-yet-realized metaverse, to be ready to tap its opportunities when it arrives.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Subway Sale Tests LBO Market

A Subway sale would be the biggest restaurant M&A deal since Inspire Brands bought Dunkin’ for $11.3 billion in 2020.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Whirlpool Exits EMEA

Whirlpool's global competitors are scooping up the company's assets as it reduces operations abroad.