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Circling Toward Net Zero

Companies are introducing circularity to their supply chains to mitigate human impact on the global climate.

Sustainable Finance

Commodity Storm

War and weather highlight the vulnerability of supplies critical to humanity’s future—especially food staples and the metals for renewable energy.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Elon Musk’s Escape Hatch

Elon Musk aims to be the second buyer in history to get out of a merger due to material adverse effects, butit won’t be easy.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Intel Receives Canadian Pension Money

Intel will retain majority ownership of new chipmaking factories in Arizona but will split the revenue withBrookfield Asset Management.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Libor Alternatives Bloom

Multiple, competing Libor replacements are gaining momentum on both sides of the Atlantic.


Regulators Push ESG

As ESG continues to trend throughout the world, more regulations for disclosing methods are being put in place.