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Economics, Policy & Regulation

The Super-Investors Of Central Banks

Central bank heads were once a predictable and conservative lot. Now they’re swooping in, buying huge amounts of securities and rolling out unorthodox policies to avert danger.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Uncontested Abe: The Only Game In Town

Newsmakers | Japan Despite a less-than-stellar performance at the helm of the country, Japanese prime minister Shinz Abe was reelected in September to a second three-year term as the president of his Liberal Democratic Party.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Brazil Ratings Downgrade Keeps Coming

Major rating agencies are chasing each other in downgrading Brazil, as the country struggles with recession, a spiraling devaluation of the real and a damaging political crisis.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

China: Goldman Guru To Guide Alibabas Global Growth

The appointment of former Goldman Sachs executive Michael Evans as president of Alibaba is the latest move in the Chinese conglomerate’s attempts to expand its business beyond its domestic base.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Data Wars

Global Salon At this point, it’s pretty much assumed that hackers are going to break into corporate computer networks. Global Finance talked with Michael Morris, chief Technology Officer of root9B, which offers cybersecurity services to corporate and government entities, about the war on digital attackers—and how businesses can retake some ground.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Dollar Daze

Introduction The strong US greenback is making life difficult for corporate treasurers.