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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Argentina: The Ultimate Ultimatum

NEWSMAKERS By Forrest Jones Althought it was more than a decade ago that Argentina defaulted on $100 billion worth of debt, the fallout continues to make headlines today. Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recently defied a US ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

BRICS: Currency Fund A Big Step

MILESTONES By Gordon Platt The emerging-markets currency crisis, spurred by the Federal Reserve’s plan to begin winding down its economic stimulus, is prompting the BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—to move forward with the creation of ...


Gibraltar: A Rock In A Hard Place

MILESTONES By Gilly Wright The ongoing spat between Spain and Britain over Gibraltar (a British-dependent territory that borders with Spain at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula) has drawn attention to the continued lack of commitment to ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

India: Crackdown Spooks Investors

MILESTONES By KA Badarinath Since the 1991 balance-of-payments crisis, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had not reversed the trend of easing capital controls. But on August 14, the rhetoric was different as the RBI curbed the outflow ...


Ireland: The Central Bank’s French Connection

NEWSMAKERS By Paula L Green When he took over as deputy governor for financial regulation at the Central Bank of Ireland on the first of October, Frenchman Cyril Roux began working alongside a Swedish colleague, Stefan Gerlach, who ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Mexico: Pea Nieto’s Energy Reform

NEWSMAKERS By Gilly Wright The proposal by Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto to reform Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), the state-owned oil and gas monopoly, could have far-reaching consequences for the country’s troubled economy. The proposal, which requires a constitutional ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Polls & Stats: Growth In Noncash Payment Transactions

Emerging Markets See Strong Growth in Noncash Payment Transactions “Mature markets accounted for 77% of the total volumes [of noncash transactions] but ... growth rates are higher in the developing markets—18.7% versus 6.2% in the mature markets in 2011. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Salon: Conrad Saldanha

GOING DOMESTIC By Vanessa Drucker Global Finance sat down with Conrad Saldanha, portfolio manager, emerging markets equities, at asset management firm Neuberger Berman, to discuss the future prospects for global emerging markets. Global Finance: Emerging markets have ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Serbia: Can Lazar Krstic Cut It?

NEWSMAKERS By Luca Ventura Lazar Krsti has a daunting task ahead: saving Serbia from a debt crisis. A Yale graduate with no party affiliations or political experience, the 30-year-old McKinsey associate is expected to consolidate public finances and ...


US: Frackings Fractured Future

MILESTONES By Ronald Fink Recent write-downs of shale assets by BHP Billiton and Royal Dutch Shell have cast doubts on claims voiced in Washington, DC, that the US can attain energy independence as a result of the technological ...


US: Ratings Agency Fights US Lawsuit

MILESTONES By Paula Green Shareholders at McGraw Hill Financial, along with US taxpayers, could end up paying the price as the US government and one of the country’s major credit ratings agencies face off in a courtroom drama ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

US: Will Companies Fill In Pay Gap?

MILESTONES By Paula Green The frequently mind-boggling comparison between the pay of a US firm’s chief executive and the company’s rank-and-file employees is finally set to come before the Securities and Exchange Commission this fall. Tucked away in ...