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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Italy: Ex-OECD Exec Takes Finance Reins

NEWSMAKERS By Valentina Pasquali Headed by 39-year-old prime minister Matteo Renzi, Italys new government is the youngest in the countrys...


Italy: Remodeling The Vatican Bank

MILESTONES By Luca Ventura The oldest multinational in the world is about to get a substantial makeover. The news came on February 24th, when its CEO, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, also known as pope Francis, issued a Motu Proprio, ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Peru: Hitting The Golden Years

MILESTONES By Tiziana Barghini Ranked 91st by the World Economic Forum for the relatively poor quality of its infrastructure, Peru...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

US: Elon Musk Makes Power Play

NEWSMAKERS By Gilly Wright Dubbed by his supporters a gifted visionary, engineer and CEO Elon Musk is not afraid to...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Argentina: For A Few Dollars More

MILESTONES By Tiziana Barghini Argentina has it tough. With GDP growth expected to fall to approximately 1.5% this year (compared...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Chile: Arenas Takes Finance Helm

NEWSMAKERS By Forrest Jones Alberto Arenas returns to government as Finance minister with some big plans for a country looking...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover: Emerging Markets Elections

By Laurence Neville Thirty-four developing countriesincluding all of the so-called Fragile Five nationswill have elections this year. Their results will...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global Salon: Markus Schomer

THE DISCERNING EYE By Tiziana Barghini Not all emerging markets are created equal, as the current EM crisis has once again demonstrated. Global Finance sat down with Markus Schomer, chief economist at PineBridge Investments, to discuss the 2014 economic outlook ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global: Galats Trade Effect At IFC

NEWSMAKERS By Anita Hawser One woman who worked hard to ensure that the wheels of global trade kept turning, even...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Jordan: Big Changes Afoot In Aqaba

MILESTONES By Justin Keay First Jordan was hit by the global economic crisis, which slowed annual growth rates from around...