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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Sri Lanka: Tapering Wont Affect Us

MILESTONES By Valentina Pasquali The US Federal Reserves gradual withdrawal from the unconventional monetary policies of the past few years...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

UK: Britain Is A Tax Haven

MILESTONES By Ronald Fink Fiat-Chryslers move from Italy to London, and the plans of other multinationals to relocate to the...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

US: New Microsoft CEO’s First Moves

NEWSMAKERS By Efraim Chalamish Satya Nadella, a Microsoft insider who came up through the ranks to become Microsofts executive vice...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Zimbabwe: Mugabe Woos Foreign Investors

Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe is one of Africa’s last old-school dictators. But he’s provingthat he may be able to change—for the better.In the decade ending in 2008, Zimbabwe’s economy shrank at an annual rate of 6.1%. Then,in2009, the country adopted the US dollar. Since then, growth has averaged nearly 8% per year...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Bangladesh: New Parliaments Legitimacy

MILESTONES By Thomas Clouse Bangladesh held national elections in early January despite escalating political violence and a boycott by opposition parties. The ruling party, the Awami League, easily kept control of parliament, with its candidates winning 232 of ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Beale Takes Helm At Lloyds

NEWSMAKERS By Gilly Wright One of the worlds oldest insurance markets, Lloyds of London, has appointed the first female CEO...


Cover Story: The Volcker Effect

PROPRIETARY TRADING By Michael Shari Corporate clients of investment banks around the world could see a dramatic impact from the...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global Salon: Georges Ugeux

EMERGING MARKETS 2.0 By Udayan Gupta At Global Finance ’s Salon in New York in January, Georges Ugeux, CEO of New York–based investment bank Galileo Global Advisors, discussed the economic landscape faced by India and China in 2014 ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

IsraelPalestine Gas Accord

MILESTONES By Luca Ventura When in early January the US secretary of state John Kerry traveled to the Middle East,...