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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers: Former Chilean President Seeks Office Again

NEWSMAKERS: CHILE By Forrest Jones Former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet wants her old job back. A single mother and the leader of the center-left Concertación coalition, she announced in March that she plans to run for president this November. ...


Newsmakers: Martowardojo Gets Lucky Second Time Round

NEWSMAKERS: INDONESIA By Valentina Pasquali With just over a year to go before the 2014 elections and in a move that caught many observers by surprise, Indonesia’s president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has appointed current Finance minister Agus Martowardojo as ...


Back Page: Polls and Stats – Clearing Skies Ahead

Emerging Markets Future Output Index "Expectations of ‘future output’ by EM businesses, specifically by manufacturers, improved sharply in February as a sign of strong sentiment. Our hopes are mainly pinned on China, Asia and commodity producers in ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover: Currencies: War or Peace?

NO LONGER JUST A GAME? By Ronald Fink The recent spate of currency devaluation will start to have a serious impact unless global leaders focus on economic fundamentals, rather than figments. The yen is down 25% against ...


Milestones: Italy Coughs And The Rest Of Europe Sneezes

MILESTONES: ITALY By Valentina Pasquali The general elections held in Italy in February yielded a hung parliament, marked the phenomenal rise of the little-understood protest movement of former comedian Beppe Grillo, and unexpectedly revived the flagging political career of former ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Milestones: ORIX Paves The Way For More Asia-Europe Deals

MILESTONES: GLOBAL By Gilly Wright Japanese financial group ORIX’s acquisition of a 90.1% share of Dutch asset management company Robeco from Rabobank for $2.6 billion is both the largest Japanese outbound deal so far this year and a reflection of ...


Milestones: Shareholder Say On Pay Takes Form

MILESTONES: EUROPE By Anita Hawser Billed as a major blow to the UK’s status as a global financial services hub, the European Parliament and council sent a clear message in February about bank bonuses, reaching an agreement that bankers’ bonuses ...


Newsmakers: Groupon: A New Stress Test For High-Techs?

NEWSMAKERS: US By Udayan Gupta Technology companies lead a charmed life. Flawed business strategy, poor execution, inexperienced management...some technology companies seem to shrug them off and continue. The master of spin: Groupon's founder, Andrew Mason But the February ...


Newsmakers: Kuroda Aims To Rewrite BoJ History

NEWSMAKERS: JAPAN By Valentina Pasquali Prime minister Shinz Abe's election victory at the end of 2012 promised to bring sweeping changes to Japan's handling of its lethargic economy, with renewed efforts to spur growth and combat deflation. Kuroda ...


Newsmakers: Matolcsy Creates Anxiety For Hungarys Central

NEWSMAKERS: HUNGARY By Paul Mackintosh Widespread concerns in Europe over the independence and integrity of Hungary's institutions were rekindled recently by the news that prime minister Viktor Orbán had appointed his right-hand man, György Matolcsy, as the new governor of ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Newsmakers: New President Faces Tough Challenge Managing Debt Woes

NEWSMAKERS: CYPRUS By Justin Keay With Cyprus in the midst of facing down the EU while battling to rescue its biggest banks, and during its worst economic crisis since independence in 1960— unemployment is above15%, and GDP could contract by ...