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Milestones : Challenges Grow In Run-Up To New Payment Rules

EUROPE     Europe's payments landscape is set to change dramatically with market reforms. Banks and companies in other parts of the world are watching with interest as the deadline for radical transformation of the UK and Europe’s cross-border payments ...


Newsmakers : Offshoring Industry Faces New Opponent: Its Clients

UNITED KINGDOM/UNITED STATES     Divett: Offshoring IT involves hidden costs. Offshoring information technology services is an emotive subject that incites mixed responses from most companies. Although Wall Street financial firms were among the early adopters of outsourcing, sending their ...


Newsmakers : US Shouldn’t Take Its Aaa Rating For Granted

UNITED STATES     Nikola Swann: External imbalances put the dollar at risk of ratings downgrade. Standard & Poor’s credit analyst Nikola Swann says the dollar’s preeminent role in the world cannot be taken for granted. The greenback is still ...


Milestones : Sepa Rollout Faces More Hurdles

EUROPE       Desmares: Corporates cool on SEPA. Businesses and public sector organizations operating in Europe have until 2010 to abandon existing national payment instruments and adopt new pan-European credit transfer and direct debits. At least that is the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : New Leader Details Economic Revival Strategy

JAMAICA     Golding: Ambitious economic plans. Newly sworn-in Jamaican prime minister Bruce Golding is seeking ways to kick-start the island’s sluggish economy and tackle mounting social pressures over escalating unemployment and crime rates (his own forecasts predict 1,300 murders ...


Newsmakers : The Maestro Strikes A Chord

UNITED STATES     Alan Greenspan: Introducing his own turbulence to the markets. Talk about good timing. Alan Greenspan’s memoirs, entitled The Age of Turbulence, topped the bestseller list at last month as volatility continued to rattle global financial ...


Newsmakers : Trichet Urges Better Risk Control

EUROPE     Trichet: Questions investors' reliance on credit ratings. The subprime mortgage crisis in the US has forced the president of the European Central Bank (ECB) to speak out about the new sources of risk being created by the ...


Newsmakers : Few Cities Attain ‘knowledge Hub’ Status

Europe     Stockholm: One of 15 knowledge hubs. With just over two years to go, the European Commission’s Lisbon Agenda initiative to transform Europe into the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010 appears to ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : The unsinkable mrs. K

Argentina       Double act: Nestor Kirchner and the presidential hopeful, Mrs. K. Argentine First Lady and senator Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is poised to replace her husband, President Nestor Kirchner, in the top post in the October 28 ...