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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Regulars : EM Roundup Russia

Amid expectations that the Russian economy had hit bottom, and despite a solid bounce in commodity prices since the beginning of the year, bad news continued to pile up. By Kim Iskyan Industrial production shrank by 17% in ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : EM ROUNDUP Russia

The first meeting between US president Barack Obama and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, at the Group of 20 summit in London in early April, appeared to lay the foundation for an improvement in relations, which had plunged to fresh post-Cold ...


Features : Europe in Crisis

EUROPE IN CRISIS Many of Europe’s former star economies are still struggling to find their feet after falling prey to the credit crunch. By Laurence Neville Emerging Europe is on the edge of a precipice. Already ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Russia

Sechin: Russia's deputy prime minister and Rosneft chairman. In a signal that the Russian government is increasingly aware of the financial constraints it is facing, a top Kremlin adviser said that the state would not be bailing out any more ...

Country Report

Features: Country report Russia

RUNNING ON EMPTY Russia is facing some tough decisions as it adjusts to a far more challenging economic and political environment. Just over a decade after Russia’s forced devaluation of the ruble and default on its ...

Country Report

Features: Country Report Turkey

ON A KNIFE EDGE TURKEY Turkey is well positioned to weather a global downturn, but it still faces some tough economic challenges. Tansan: Ankara must hold out for the best possible terms from the IMF. There was a ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Russia

Devaluation of the ruble is over, says Kudrin, Russia's finance minister.   The Kremlin rolled out a revised version of its economic crisis plan, extending additional credits to the beleaguered banking sector possibly at the expense of direct loans to ...