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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Argentina’s New Finance Minister Wrestles With Peso

Argentina The appointment of Alfonso Prat-Gay as Argentina’s new Finance minister was a clear sign to international investors that president Mauricio Macri, sworn in December 10, was serious about unraveling the populist policies of the previous government.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Brazil Reeling After Another Junk Rating

The axe fell on Brazil heading into 2016 as it suffered a downgrade to junk status by Fitch Ratings, heightening the air of crisis as the beleaguered nation grapples with political turmoil and recession.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Eyes On New Legislature For Venezuela

The opposition party in Venezuela won the majority of seats in the National Assembly (Venezuela’s parliament) in national elections early in December.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Eye On Trade

José Antonio Ocampo Gaviria, professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, says the slowing of international trade since the financial crisis is a major threat to the world economy.


Padilla: Bearer Of Bad News, Unpopular Choices

Puerto Rico He has become the face of Puerto Rico’s woes, warning in media interview after interview of its inability to pay its bills and serving as the island’s bearer of bad financial news.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

The Brazilian Lion’s Next Tax Bite

Trends | Taxation Brazil is well known in the global business sector for its tax complexity, heavy tax burden (around 35% of GDP) and high use of technology for tax collection. Not for nothing do Brazilians call their tax authority—Receita Federal do Brasil—“the Lion.”