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Milestones: Private-Sector Banks Rake In Profits In Iraq

MILESTONES: IRAQ By Gordon Platt The five largest nongovernmental banks in Iraq posted a 207% increase in aggregate earnings between 2010 and 2012, thanks to the country’s strong economic growth and increasing demand for credit, according to a report on ...


Debt: Saudi Sukuk Market Heats Up

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: CORPORATE DEBT By Gordon Platt A series of three major sukuk issues in Saudi Arabia in the first week of April demonstrated the growing depth of the debt capital markets in the kingdom, where corporations are ...


Emerging Markets Roundup: Middle East

CLIFFORD CHANCE TO OPEN SAUDI PARTNERSHIP By Gordon Platt Clifford Chance is the first global law firm to receive approval from Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry to create a Saudi-foreign legal partnership in the kingdom. Photo ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2013: Middle East

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt CONSERVATIVE LENDING AND RECORD EARNINGS IN THE MIDDLE EAST Many of the largest banks in the Middle East posted record earnings in 2012, as they continued to pursue conservative lending ...


Annual Supplement: Middle East 2013

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE Photo Credits: RITU MANOJ JETHANI/ Passengers arriving at Dubai International Airport on Emirates’ double-decker Airbus 380 aircraft taxi up to a new $3.2 billion dedicated terminal, Concourse A, which opened in February. After disembarking, ...


Middle East 2013: Ethical Banking

THE ALLURE OF ETHICAL BANKING By Gordon Platt Islamic banks in the Gulf region are tapping into growing demand for ethical banking and are upping their game in structuring sukuk and wholesale banking services. Ethical banking services ...


Middle East 2013: Jordans Uphill Battle

BRIDGING THE GAPS By Gordon Platt Jordan has a difficult road ahead as it implements economic and political reforms as part of an IMF loan package and deals with the spillover from unrest in neighboring countries. Jordan’s ...


Middle East 2013: Seeking Unity On GCC

SEEKING UNITY By Gordon Platt GCC members continue to pay lip service to economic and political union, but experts say much more needs to be done on the military, security and development fronts before that can happen. ...


Middle East 2013: Takaful Insurance

SHARING RISK By Anita Hawser Takaful insurance markets are growing steadily in the Gulf, but the regulatory framework is still developing in some countries. Taking out car, property or life insurance is second nature in the West, ...


Middle East 2013: Transition Economies

DEFYING EXPECTATIONS By Gordon Platt For many, the Arab Spring symbolizes years of painful economic and political reforms ahead. But financial institutions are upbeat about the region’s prospects, noting that markets such as Iraq and Libya continue to ...


Middle East 2013: UAE: Visions Of Splendor

VISIONS OF SPLENDOR By Gordon Platt Investor confidence has returned to the UAE, with the former debt-laden emirate of Dubai once again planning major infrastructure projects. Even a new financial center is planned for construction. Dubai continues ...