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Middle East 2013: Transition Economies

DEFYING EXPECTATIONS By Gordon Platt For many, the Arab Spring symbolizes years of painful economic and political reforms ahead. But financial institutions are upbeat about the region’s prospects, noting that markets such as Iraq and Libya continue to ...


Middle East 2013: UAE: Visions Of Splendor

VISIONS OF SPLENDOR By Gordon Platt Investor confidence has returned to the UAE, with the former debt-laden emirate of Dubai once again planning major infrastructure projects. Even a new financial center is planned for construction. Dubai continues ...


Country Report: Lebanon

DRAGGING A GEOPOLITICAL ANCHOR By Justin Keay There were few bright spots for Lebanon over the past year. However, the banking and real estate sectors showed encouraging signs, and a recovery has begun. Despite their traditional stoicism, ...


Emerging Markets Roundup: Middle East

DUBAI SEEKS ROLE AS CAPITAL OF ISLAMIC ECONOMY By Gordon Platt Dubai plans to become the capital of the Islamic economy by setting global standards. In addition to promoting Islamic finance and insurance, the emirate wants to arbitrate ...


Middle East Investment Banking

SIGNS OF RESILIENCE By Gordon Platt In spite of poor global economic and investment conditions, Middle Eastern investment banking looks set for another solid year in 2013. The outlook for investment banking in the volatile Middle East ...


Country Report: Saudi Arabia

RESISTANT TO CHANGE By Gordon Platt Saudi Arabia is working hard—and spending heavily—to diversify its economy and create jobs for its expanding population through a broad-ranging series of reforms. But these reforms are ruffling feathers in some quarters. ...

Country Report

Country Report: Kuwait

SURMOUNTING THE STATUS QUO By Justin Keay Despite its wealth and strong banking sector, Kuwait is being held back by its failure to invest internally and diversify away from oil. The demonstrations that preceded—and followed—Kuwait’s parliamentary elections ...


Dubai Commodities Exchange Craves More Market Share

MILESTONES: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES   By Anita Hawser   Dubai Mercantile Exchange is on a mission: It wants to take up more space on the screens of futures traders, according to new CEO Christopher Fix, who once sat on the ...