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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Editor’s Letter: The New Geography

There is a new definition of the emerging markets and their characteristics that confutes many old and accepted axioms; for example, the idea that the cost of labor is cheaper in developing countries, or that governance is more advanced and regulations are more enforced in developed countries.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

How Detroit Rattled Puerto Rico

Saddled with debt of $70 billion, Puerto Rico’s government is doing its best to reassure US investors that it will honor its financial commitments and that its beleaguered finances will be remedied.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Junk Bond Issuance: Scrapped

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS High-yield corporate bond issuance and trading have slowed considerably in the face of uncertainty about Federal Reserve monetary policy, at a time when chairman Ben Bernanke is about to hand over the reins to Janet Yellen, ...


UK: A Capital Of Islamic Finance?

On October 29, a little piece of history was made when the UK finally announced it would become the first Western country to issue a sovereign sukuk, or Islamic bond.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Is the US really open for business?

A welcome sign (Photo: Aaron Pruzaniec) The Great Recession, along with a changing global economic landscape, has led leaders in...


BOOK REVIEW: Greenspan: Still hazy after all these years

<em style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px;">The Map and the Territory, by Alan Greenspan,<span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px;">weaves personal experience and a career that spanned the good part of 60 years—18 of those at the helm of the US central bank—into economic analysis.</span>

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Equity: US JOBS Act Stimulates IPO Activity

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS By Gordon Platt A new US law that makes it easier for smaller companies to raise equity capital is boosting initial public offerings, analysts say. The Jumpstart Our Business Startups, or JOBS Act, was largely ...


US: Frackings Fractured Future

MILESTONES By Ronald Fink Recent write-downs of shale assets by BHP Billiton and Royal Dutch Shell have cast doubts on claims voiced in Washington, DC, that the US can attain energy independence as a result of the technological ...


US: Ratings Agency Fights US Lawsuit

MILESTONES By Paula Green Shareholders at McGraw Hill Financial, along with US taxpayers, could end up paying the price as the US government and one of the country’s major credit ratings agencies face off in a courtroom drama ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

US: Will Companies Fill In Pay Gap?

MILESTONES By Paula Green The frequently mind-boggling comparison between the pay of a US firm’s chief executive and the company’s rank-and-file employees is finally set to come before the Securities and Exchange Commission this fall. Tucked away in ...


Awards: Best Internet Banks—Round 1

ANNUAL SURVEY — THE PIONEERS By Adam Rombel In the first of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the top online corporate and consumer banks by country and regionally by product or service category. Global Finance is ...


Treasury & Cash Management: GLOBAL FINANCE CASH 25

WHAT’S UP WITH CORPORATE CASH? By Ronald Fink Among various explanations for corporations’ letting cash build up on their balance sheets, the most compelling one is that economic growth is still slow. But some companies are not waiting ...