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Voice Of Moderation Leaves FDIC

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES By Gordon Platt Sheila Bair, the populist bank regulator who warned in advance that the subprime mortgage crisis was coming, is stepping down on July 8 as chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks: North America Country Winners

North America Rising Markets Lift Banks North America’s banking system is in much better condition than it was before the financial crisis erupted. It has significantly more Tier 1 capital and plenty of liquidity, thanks in part to the Federal ...


Bernanke Heralds A New Era Of Fed Openness

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES By Anita Hawser With the US economy still in recovery mode, monetary policy decisions of the Federal Reserve can have a major impact on which way the markets move. Bernanke opens up But now, ...


Boehner Blinks In Budget Showdown With Obama

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES By Gordon Platt Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner told his fellow Republicans to prepare for a government shutdown last month, as the standoff with Democrats on the budget came down to ...


New Leaders Face Tricky Economic Balancing Act

MILESTONES: CANADA By Erik Heinrich As Canada heads early this month into its fourth federal election in seven years, policymakers are facing serious questions over the prospects for the country’s economy. Canada slows spending The Bank of ...

Award Winners


Global Finance Announces Best Banks by Region 2011 NEW YORK, April 8, 2011 Global Finance magazine has announced its annual...


UK/US: Derivatives Traders Assess New Regs

MILESTONES: UNITED KINGDOM / UNITED STATES By Anita Hawser Banks are scrambling to launch electronic trading platforms for derivatives transactions such as credit default swaps (CDSs) in an attempt to get ahead of planned regulatory changes aimed at ...


US: Greifeld Seeks Merger Partner for Nasdaq OMX

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES By the Gordon Platt Robert Greifeld, chief executive of Nasdaq OMX, has been the odd man out in the search for a merger partner to keep the New York–based stock market viable in a world ...


US: Nuclear Energy Central To Policy

MILESTONES: UNITED STATES By Gordon Platt Panic-stricken residents of Western US states cleared pharmacy shelves of potassium iodide tablets last month, amid fears that radiation from Japan’s nuclear crisis could reach the West Coast. Obama: No plans ...


Canada / UK: Friction From Toronto-London Exchange Deal

MILESTONES: CANADA / UNITED KINGDOM By Erik Heinrich London Stock Exchange: Dominant partner? The proposed merger between the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) has prompted criticisms that it would not be, as the ...


Ecuador / US: Record Fine Sparks Fierce Legal Battle

MILESTONES: ECUADOR/UNITED STATES By Antonio Guerrero Still waiting: Chevron's appeal delays payment of its fine When a provincial court in Ecuador in February ordered Chevron to pay an $8.6 billion fine for damaging the rainforest, the ruling intensified an ...


US: Cash-Poor States Eye Corporate Tax Hikes

MILESTONES: UNITED STATES By Denise Bedell As budget season for US State and municipal authorities pushes into high gear, and as hedge funds and money managers begin touting the potential value of distressed municipal bonds,US-based corporations may find themselves ...