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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

The Brazilian Lion’s Next Tax Bite

Trends | Taxation Brazil is well known in the global business sector for its tax complexity, heavy tax burden (around 35% of GDP) and high use of technology for tax collection. Not for nothing do Brazilians call their tax authority—Receita Federal do Brasil—“the Lion.”

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Where To Next For Emerging Markets?

An expanding middle class and strong long-term fundamentals suggest that pessimism over developing nations’ economic prospects may be overdone.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Will Historic Elections Pull Myanmar Into Modernity?

History was made in Myanmar, the country formerly called Burma, on November 8, when the National League for Democracy (NLD), headed by Noble Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, won a near-total sweep in the first democratic election in 25 years.


World’s Best Private Banks 2015

Global Finance’s inaugural Best Private Banks Awards highlight those firms that aim to serve their clients better through the innovative use of technology, new products and service models.


An Executive Perspective Of Europe

Much has changed in the global economy during the last few years, and Europe has been front and center of that shift. So, what do North American executives think of Europe’s business climate today?


Best Global Brands 2015

The American Marketing Association defines a “brand” as “a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” Some marketing researchers assert that brands are one of the most valuable assets that a company has.


Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves

According to the OECD, foreign exchange rate reserves are the stocks of foreign currency denominated assets plus gold, held by a central bank. More simply, they are the assets of the central bank held in currencies outside the home country currency.
The tax wedge is the ratio of total labor taxes to total labor costs. It is often lower for families with children and single parents with children than for individuals or couples without children. The tax wedge has an impact on employment growth.


Household Tax Rates

The tax wedge is the ratio of total labor taxes to total labor costs. It is often lower for families with children and single parents with children than for individuals or couples without children. The tax wedge has an impact on employment growth.


Personal Income Tax Rates

The OECD defines tax as a compulsory unrequited payment to the government. A taxable base is the base amount on which the tax rate is applied—such as corporate income, personal income, or property.