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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Fico Allays Critics’ Concerns As Economy Outperforms

NEWSMAKERS: SLOVAKIA   By Justin Keay   Emerging Europe doesn’t generate much in the way of good news these days, owing to the region’s proximity to and dependence on the eurozone.   Fico has learned from past mistakes Photo Credits: ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Frontier Markets Focus

WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY   By Dan Keeler   In a new monthly feature, Global Finance delves deep into the opportunities in frontier markets. With youthful populations, underutilized natural resources and eagerness to join the global economic community, the world’s frontier ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Yen’s Fall Awakens FX Market

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE   By Gordon Platt   The yen took a nasty tumble last month, shaking the sleepy foreign exchange market out of a long slumber.   While the attention of market participants was focused on the ...


Global Salon: Sergio Luna, Banamex

DIVERGING ECONOMIES   By Vanessa Drucker   For this month’s Salon, Global Finance sat down with Sergio Luna, assistant director of economic research at Banamex and liaison to the research group of economic analysis and markets, Citigroup, in New York. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Lagarde Changes Tack On Use Of Capital Controls

MILESTONES: IMF   By Luca Ventura “Temporary capital controls might prove useful,” Christine Lagarde said to the audience gathered at the Malaysian Economic Association in Kuala Lumpur in November.   Lagarde at the IMF takes a marked departure on cross-border ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: A Return To The Fast Lane For M&A

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS   By Gordon Platt   Mergers and acquisitions could gain traction in 2013, following a disappointing year for dealmaking activity in 2012.   Although the global economic outlook remains clouded, there are plenty of ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Risk: Environmental Liability Insurance

THE POLLUTER PAYS   By Dave Lenckus   As regulators strengthen legislation, pollution insurance is ever-more essential.   Many global companies still see pollution regulation as more bark than bite. But many of the world’s major economies are toughening their ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Sector Report: Commodities

WILD SEASON   By Michael Shari   Volatile commodities prices are poised to drive an M&A wave and are already changing how companies hedge against price swings.   A storm is brewing in the global commodities markets. Perceptions of global ...

Award Ceremonies and Events

Stars Of China Awards Ceremony 2012

LOCATION: BEIJING, CHINA   Global Finance held its annual Stars of China awards ceremony in Beijing in November. Corporate and financial leaders from across the country were present to accept their awards and honor other recipients.   1 Joseph Giarraputo, ...


Transaction Banking: Evolution

BUILD OR BUY?   By Rebecca Brace   As regulation and competition in the transaction banking space spur higher levels of technology investment, banks and vendors have found new ways of working together.   The demands on global transaction banks ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Videgaray Appointment Signals Mexico Is Ready For Reform

NEWSMAKERS: MEXICO   By Valentina Pasquali   Still struggling with drug-related violence that has killed more than 60,000 people in the past six years, Mexico is a country on the mend.   Finance minister, Videgaray, will target energy and fiscal ...