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New Partnerships

EM REGIONAL BANKING FOCUS: AFRICA By Nick Kochan Africa's banks are looking to forge new links as they seek to expand across the continent. The African banking industry has emerged from the global financial crisis largely intact ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers: Downturn Throws Chávez Onto The Ropes

Venezuela By Antonio Guerrero Chávez: Economic troubles are turning his dreams into a nightmare Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez's dream of spreading his "21st century socialism" throughout Latin America could be halted by a troubled economy. After he spent ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Newsmakers: Financial Turmoil Hits London’s Status

United Kingdom By Anita Hawser Jenkins: London faces threat from multiple emerging market centers As economic power increasingly shifts toward the East and regulators in the West look to rein in the growth of their financial sectors, senior ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Newsmakers: IMF Shakes Up Policy Advice Of Crisis

Global By Gordon Platt Blanchard: Policymakers should use all the tools available Economists who thought they had figured out how to keep national economies growing and inflation under control by simply focusing on short-term interest rates have learned ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Petrobras Sale Clears Way for IPOs

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt Petrobras, Brazil's state-run oil company, was scheduled to come to market with $35 billion of shares as Global Finance went to press. That would make the sale the world's ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Poor Gain Better Access To Financial Services

MILESTONES: GLOBAL By Antonio Guerrero Despite the fact that 60% of the world's economies posted a drop in real per capita income last year, access to formal financial services in developing countries grew. According to "Financial Access 2010," ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Rating Upgrade Opens Door To Costa Rica Bond Issue

NEWSMAKERS: COSTA RICA By Dan Keeler With the ink still wet on a Moody's rating upgrade from Ba1 to Baa3 investment grade, Costa Rica has revealed it is considering a bond issue in the near future. José Rossi, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Resource Battle Turns To Potash

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS - MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt The cross-border battle for global resources is now focused on potash, with BHP Billiton's $43 billion hostile bid for Saskatoon-based Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, the world's largest producer ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Risky Business

FOCUS: RISK CONSULTING By Paula L. Green Companies are showing increasing interest in employing risk consultants to help them manage their exposure. As they protect employees, property and supply chains flung around the globe, corporate executives are ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Rusal Plans To Create DR Program in Russia

EMERGING MARKET INVESTORS: DR NEWS By Gordon Platt Rusal, the world's largest producer of aluminum, plans to create a Russian depositary receipt (RDR) program on the Micex Stock Exchange and the Russian Trading System by the end of ...


Shifting Sands

EM REGIONAL BANKING FOCUS: MIDDLE EAST By Jonathan Gregson Many banks in the Middle East are still suffering the after-effects of the global financial crisis. Over the past decade the Middle East's banking sector has become ...