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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Russias Power Utility Spins Off Generators

DR NEWS Russia’s national power utility OAO Unified Energy System has completed the spin-off of two power-generation units, OGK-5 and TGK-5, completing the first part of the government’s plan to break up the company. UES, the former power monopoly, also ...

Country Report

Features : Aiming To Please

COUNTRY REPORT / PHILIPPINES     Schleimer: The Clean Air Act could be used to regulate greenhouse gases With the May general election safely behind it, the Philippine government hopes to use the next three years of relative political quietude ...

Country Report

Features : Balancing Act

COUNTRY REPORT / BRAZIL     Buffeted by the shockwaves from the US subprime mortgage crisis, Brazil has to steer a steady course if it is to keep its economic development on track.     Buffeted by the shockwaves from ...

Award Winners

Features : Central Banker Report Cards 2007

ANNUAL SURVEY / CENTRAL BANKER REPORT CARDS Individually, many of the world’s leading central bankers seemed to be in disarray after the subprime debacle began to unfold in mid-2007. As a group, though, they acted with remarkably unity. The central ...


Features : Collateral Damage

FOCUS / TERRORISM FUNDING     Legislation aimed at cracking down on funding for terrorists is having some damaging side effects for banks and businesses. Kochan: It may be a fallacy that banks can anticipate terrorist financing. Following the attacks ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : In For The Long Haul

ANALYSIS / INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING Many Asian countries desperately need to upgrade their infrastructure while cash-rich private equity funds are scouring the region for long-term investments. Is this a match made in heaven?   Nag: We can only meet a small ...


Features : Seeking Out Growth

REGIONAL REPORT / NORDIC BANKING As Nordic banks look further outside their home markets for growth, the rewards—and also the risks—are increasing. Over the past few years, banks in the Nordic region have benefited from highly favorable economic conditions across ...

Award Winners

Features : The Worlds Safest Banks 2007

  ANNUAL SURVEY/ WORLD’S SAFEST BANKS   Global Finance selects the world’s safest banks, the 50 institutions with the highest ratings from the leading international credit ratings agencies. Images of customers queuing to withdraw their savings from Britain’s Northern Rock ...

Award Winners

Features : Worlds Best Banks

ANNUAL SURVEY / WORLD’S BEST BANKS At a time when the world economic outlook is more uncertain than it has been in years, the banking industry finds itself at the vortex of a financial market storm that originated in subprime ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Latin American Markets Ride Out Global Turmoil

LATIN AMERICA     Lipsky: Sounds a warning. When the meltdown in US subprime mortgages triggered forecasts of a possible US recession, unleashing global credit and money market volatility, Latin America proved to be relatively insulated from the debacle. Though ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : No Credit Crunch Here

CHINA       Feeling the squeeze: Chinas shoppers face swiftly growing prices. China’s central bank increased reserve requirements for the seventh time this year in September in a losing battle to control the growth in bank credit. Outstanding loans ...