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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Central Banker Report Cards 2022

After years of easy money, central banks are tightening up—some more quickly than others. Global Finance grades their performance in the face of the past year’s rising inflation.


Kenya: New President Ready To Hustle

The new president has said he intends to prioritize agriculture and food security, stimulate job creation and reawaken the competitiveness of the private sector by reducing government domestic borrowing.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Marcus Losses Pile Up

According to the bank’s internal projections, Marcus will lose more than $1.2 billion in 2022.


Ogilvy CEO Breaks Barriers Again

In 2017, Bulchandani led ‘The Fearless Girl’ campaign, which challenged the male dominance of Wall Street’s charging bull statue, by counterposing a bronze statue of a defiant young girl facing it down.