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Berkshire Hathaway Names Buffett’s Successors

Longtime senior executives Greg Abel and Ajit Jain were promoted to vice chairman on January 10 and joined Berkshire’s board of directors. The announcement might suggest that Abel and Jain, alone or together, might lead the company in the near future.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Caterpillar, IRS And The US Tax Conundrum

Theconstruction-equipment giant finds itself at the center of a tax controversy involving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the impact of US tax reforms on domestic and international companies.


South Korea Engages With North Korea

South Korea’s new overtures to Kim Jong IIare part of a broader regional diplomatic initiative. Moon visited China, a North Korean ally and key trading partner, in December 2017, and called for better South Korea-China relations.


Global Regulators Finalize Basel III Rules

The Basel III rules aim to decrease bank leverage and increase liquidity. In addition to capital efficiency, the rules also institute stress testing and standardize market liquidity risk.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

House Excise Tax Troubles Corporate CFOs

Companies are concerned about the vague language of the bill about the applicability of the tax, and the fact that bilateral tax treaties, designed to avoid double taxation, will not function well under these circumstances.


The Benefits Of Blockchain

Jalak Jobanputra, founding partner of FuturePerfect Ventures, an early-stage venture-capital fund, visitedGlobal Financeto discuss the state of fintech, the future of blockchain and digital currencies, and how corporations can extract more value from such technology.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Economic Sanctions | Popular But Not Painless

Richard Nephew, a former principal deputy coordinator for Sanctions Policy at the US Department of State who now teaches at Columbia University, visited Global Finance to discuss economic sanctions, their effectiveness, and why corporate finance leaders should care.


Can New CEO End Crisis For Teva Pharmaceutical

Kåre Schultz willtake over as CEO at a time when the pharmaceutical companystruggles withcompetition, downwardpressure on drug prices,expiring patents, risingoperational costs, bribery investigations,fines and failed acquisitions.