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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Pharma Prices Raise Eyebrows

<strong>US: </strong>Heather Bresch, the CEO of Mylan, an American pharmaceuticals company, finds herself at the center of one of the biggest pharma controversies in recent years: price-gouging.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Q&A: Pricing And Protecting Patents

Clement Naples, partner at Latham and Watkins, a global law firm specializing in intellectual property, visited Global Finance to talk trends in patent litigation, valuations and the role of IP in investment decisions.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

US Still A Strong Draw For FDI

Aaron Brickman, senior vice president for strategy and development at the Organization for International Investment (OFII), a nonprofit trade association, also founded SelectUSA, a federal program to promote foreign direct investment in the US. He visited Global Finance to discuss the state of FDI worldwide.


China Battles Aging And Debt

Arthur Kroeber, head of research and founding partner of Gavekal Dragonomics, spoke with Global Finance about China’s politics, its markets and its future role in the global economy.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Multinationals Need A Culture Shock

<strong>Management | Corporate Culture</strong><br /> Several recent financial and corruption scandals have forced multinationals to develop comprehensive corporate conduct and compliance programs.


The Panama Papers And The Offshoring Industry

The so-called Panama Papers, more than 11 million leaked documents from a Panamanian law firm, are shining a spotlight on the scope and financial impact of the offshoring financial industry and global efforts to move assets to tax havens or less-regulated jurisdictions.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Third-Party Litigation Funding Gains Momentum

As the commercial world becomes more litigious, individuals and corporations are increasingly hamstrung from pursuing justified legal claims by a lack of liquidity or other means of financing.


New Pemex CEO To Lead Reforms

<strong>Newsmakers | Mexico</strong><br /> Mexico’s giant state oil company Pemex has a new boss, González Anaya, and he’s got a mess on his hands.<br />

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Sovereign Funds Change The Patent Game

<strong>Trends | Patents</strong><br /> As sovereign governments expand their investments into uncharted territories, a new kind of fund has emerged: the sovereign patent fund (SPF), a state-owned patent investment fund that buys and licenses patents, covers the cost of litigation and protects against patent infringement.


Bastian Takes The Reins At Delta

Delta Air Lines, one of the world’s largest carriers, announced in January that its president, Ed Bastian, will take over as chief executive in May. He replaces industry veteran Richard Anderson, who will become Delta’s executive chairman.