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Poland: Consolidation Looms In Banking Industry

NEWSMAKERS: POLAND By Jonathan Gregson Not only does Poland stand alone within the European Union in having delivered GDP growth through every quarter since 2008, but its intrinsically conservative banking system survived the crisis well. Jagieo: Looking ...


Sector Report: Islamic Finance

ISLAMIC FINANCE: ISLAMIC BANKING BY THE BOOK By Anita Hawser The growing popularity of Islamic financing and an intensified focus on risk management in the global banking industry are prompting greater awareness of the need for a ...


Update: Custody and Investor Services

CUSTODY & INVESTOR SERVICES: IN SAFE HANDS By Anita Hawser Custodians have seen their role expand as a result of recent regulatory and market-driven changes. In the wake of Lehman's collapse, Bernie Madoff's $50 billion Ponzi ...

Award Winners

Biggest Emerging Market Banks 2010

ANNUAL SURVEY: EM 200 By Dan Keeler Regional powerhouses in Asia and Latin America continue to build their presence as their markets recover strongly from the global recession. While much of the developed world continues to wrestle ...


Fear Factor

COVER STORY: THE NEW RISKS By Laurence Neville Last year the global economy dodged some scary-looking bullets. This year it might not be so lucky. As volatile and unnerving as it was, 2010 provided a welcome respite ...


Islamic Finance: A New Frontier

TRENDS: ISLAMIC FINANCE IN LATIN AMERICA By Antonio Guerrero With Islamic financial institutions seeking to expand into emerging markets in Africa and Asia, could Latin America be next? While Islamic financial institutions have aggressively expanded through Asia and ...


Qatar: Islamic Finance To Win With World Cup

NEWSMAKERS: QATAR By Anita Hawser Hussain: Islamic banks must resolve key issues As Qatar kicks off its campaign to ensure it has the infrastructure to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the region's banks are hoping the massive ...

Award Winners

World’s Best FX Providers 2011

ANNUAL SURVEY: UNCERTAINTY BREEDS CURRENCY VOLATILITY By Gordon Platt Global Finance selects the leaders in the world's biggest financial market, where trading averages $4 trillion a day. Europe's sovereign debt crisis, China's monetary tightening and the Federal ...

Award Winners

World’s Best FX Providers 2011: Global Winner

Global Winner Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank has the biggest, most diversified and most profitable foreign exchange operation in the world. "The critical factor is that we are excellent across the board—by client type, by region and by products," says Kevin ...