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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Can Real-Time Payments Really Go Global?

While we are witnessing a global race for instant payments, this momentum isn’t likely to result in a global real-time payments solution anytime soon.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

High-Speed Takeover Bid For Rail Group

Italo Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatoriscrapped its IPO plans to accept a sweet, trans-Atlantic,private-equity deal worth €1.98 billion.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Telecom, Tech Deals Fuel Merger Boom In India

Political stability, a fast-growing economy and a sustained program of economic reformsare among the reasons for the feverish pace of takeover activity in the south Asian republic.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Venezuela Skirts US Sanctions By Issuing The Petro

To get around sanctions, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro is issuing an oil-and-reserves-backedcryptocurrency. If it succeeds, the ICO should provide the government with access to $6 billion. But cryptos are dicey.


Samba Financial Group: Practical and Proud

Rania Nashar, CEO of Samba Financial Group, is the first female CEO of a listed commercial bank in Saudi Arabia. She talks about modernization in the kingdom and at the bank, as well as Samba’s role in supporting the reinvention of the national economy.