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Award Winners

Winners Circle: Investment Banks

GLOBAL REMODEL   By kathryn Tully   The Best Investment Bank award at Global Finance is a relatively recent innovation, reflecting performance in the four years since the financial crisis led to consolidation and a complete overhaul of the investment ...

Award Winners

Awards: Stars of China 2012

NEW BALANCING ACT   By Thomas Clouse   Chinese policymakers must find news ways to boost domestic consumption and reduce economic reliance on stimulus investing in order to balance short- and long-term growth goals.   China's economic planners have performed ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: Russia, Mexico Depositary Receipts

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS   By Gordon Platt   Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, raised $5 billion in a secondary share sale in London and Moscow in September that had been delayed for more than a year because of unfavorable ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Roundup: China

NO-SHOW AT IMF   By Thomas Clouse   China’s once-a-decade leadership transition will begin on November 8 at the Communist Party’s 18th Congress.   Chinese banks skipped the World Bank/IMF meetings in Tokyo last month amid a territorial dispute with Japan, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: Introduction: Uncertainty Reigns

UNCERTAINTY REIGNS   The foreign exchange market is going through a period of significant change on multiple fronts. New regulations introduced in the wake of the financial crisis will redefine users of foreign exchange services and divide the market into ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: The Euro Belies the Pessimists

PROFITING FROM THE BEAUTY PAGEANT   By Laurence Neville   Despite the eurozone’s debt woes, the euro has remained remarkably resilient thanks to a range of factors, including a more credible ECB under Mario Draghi and diversification away from the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: The Renminbi As A Reserve Currency

THE RENMINBI GOES GLOBAL   By Gordon Platt   Pressure from BRIC countries for a new international reserve currency to replace the dollar is growing.   China, the world’s leading trading nation, would like to reap some of the benefits ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Latin America: Rise Of The Mexican Jaguar

RISE OF THE “JAGUAR”   By Antonio Guerrero   Mexico’s new business-friendly president has promised to open up state-owned oil companies to private investment. If so, Mexico could overtake Brazil as the region’s largest economy within a decade.   Photo ...