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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: Energy, Resources Deals Heat Up

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt Pipeline deals, shale-energy plays and natural resources transactions—often involving Asian buyers—provided an energetic start to mergers and acquisitions in 2013. The overall January deal totals for the Americas ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover: The Maze Of Global M&A

THE MAZE OF GLOBAL M&A By Udayan Gupta Cross-border M&A is once again on the rise. But completing a successful deal is increasingly complex and fraught with political, and other, risks. At first glace, it seemed like ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Central Banks Key To 2013 FX Moves

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt Central bank policies could create some interesting opportunities in the foreign exchange markets in 2013, despite what could be a slow-growth environment, analysts say. “We expect the newly elected Japanese ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Equity: China, LatAm Could Boost IPOs

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY / DRS   By Gordon Platt   After declining sharply in 2012, initial public offerings could stage a turnround in the new year, say analysts, with China and Latin America leading the issuance.   The ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Investors, Not Banks, Will Feel Brunt Of Tobin Tax

MILESTONES: EU   By Anita Hawser   The proposed Tobin Tax, or financial transaction tax (FTT), is a political hot potato that is being kicked around by various European countries in the wake of the global financial crisis as a means ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: Russia, Mexico Depositary Receipts

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS   By Gordon Platt   Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, raised $5 billion in a secondary share sale in London and Moscow in September that had been delayed for more than a year because of unfavorable ...