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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : A Mission To India

HEALTHCARE CHARITY Global Finance charity partner Amrit Davaa spent two weeks in India providing healthcare to children at a remote orphanage and to locals. Editor Dan Keeler accompanied the medical team on its mission.     Dr Becki Giusti checks ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Adapting To Survive

  SECTOR REPORT / PRIVATE EQUITY   Cash-heavy buyout firms are still looking for deals, but the rising cost of borrowing may result in their emulating their smaller private equity cousins.     Just a few months ago there were ...

Country Report

Features : Country Report: Iceland

EXPANDING HORIZONS ICELAND Iceland is going all out to expand its economy—and the global reach of its banks and corporations.     With a wealthy consumer base that has the sixth-highest per capita GDP in the OECD, 0.8% unemployment, negligible ...


Cover Story : Brave New World

A NEW DAWN     “O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world That has such people in’t!” —William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Act V, Scene I.       From the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Us High-yield Market Coming Back To Life

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS / CORPORATE DEBT     The high-yield bond market in the United States has revived, thanks in part to the Federal Reserve’s half-point interest rate cut on September 18, with some companies able to double the size ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Foreign Telecommunications Companies Embark

INDIA     India calling: Global telecom firms muscle in on a fast-growing market. Following the recent acquisition of Indian telecom company Hutchinson Essar by Vodafone Group in May 2007 for $11 billion, Russian telecom company Sistema’s acquisition of a ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Study Says Dr Programs Boost Share Prices Of EM

DR NEWS   Companies based in emerging market countries enjoy higher domestic share prices and improved home-market liquidity one year after opening a DR program, according to a study released in October by UK-based Oxford Metrica, an independent research firm. ...


Features : Buyout Or Sellout?

FOCUS / CANADA FOR SALE   The buyout boom of Canadian companies is stirring intense controversy and throwing a harsh spotlight on the role of corporate executives.   As the selloff of Canada’s biggest and best-known companies reaches record levels, ...


Features : The Business Of Growth

SPONSORED ROUNDTABLE As they expand their own businesses, clients are demanding increasingly sophisticated services from their global custodians.   GLOBAL FINANCE: How has the recent market volatility affected global custodians?   JAY MARTIN , senior vice president, global custody regional ...