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World’s Best Trade Finance Banks 2014

<em style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px; text-align: justify;">Global Finance<span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px; text-align: justify;">magazine named the World’s Best Trade Finance Banks 2014.</span>


World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers

ANNUAL SURVEY — STABILITY AMID CHANGE By Gordon Platt A global investigation into trading irregularities has not hampered growth or innovation in one of the world’s largest and most volatile markets—foreign exchange. The $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign exchange ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

An Odd Twist In The Geopolitics Of Gas

Global energy markets are attending closely to recent natural gas discoveries in the eastern Mediterranean and their implications for the availability and pricing of energy resources.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Slovenia Prospers Against The Odds

Despite recurrent anti-government protests and corruption scandals, Slovenia, the tiny Adriatic republic of just over two million, ranks as the 24th-most-prosperous country in the world, according to the annual Legatum Institute Prosperity Index, which ranks 142 countries by criteria like entrepreneurship and opportunity and personal freedom as well as economy.


World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2013

<em style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">Global Finance<span style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">magazine has named the World’s Best Foreign ExchangeProviders 2014.</span>

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Regional Focus: The Levant

WHEN WILL A NEW SUN RISE? By Justin Keay The Levant region is plagued with political instability and unrest. But there are pockets of economic strength and inklings of long-term development. According to the Collins English Dictionary, the word Levant ...


Karnit Flug, Governor, Bank of Israel

On October 20, Flug was named Governor of the Israeli central bank, following months of in-fighting and political wrangling over who would fill the position vacated by long-time governor Stanley Fischer.


Central Banker Report Cards 2013

‘A’ FOR EFFORT, ‘B-’ FOR RESULTS By Antonio Guerrero, Anita Hawser and Gordon Platt Global Finance presents its annual report on the performance of the world’s central bank governors. There are a lot of new faces among ...

Country Report

Country Report: Turkey

THE COST OF INSTABILITY By Justin Keay The full effects of recent upheavals and unrest in Turkey have not yet been felt, and policymakers have some serious work ahead to bring markets back in order and reassure investors ...


Awards: Best Internet Banks—Round 1

ANNUAL SURVEY — THE PIONEERS By Adam Rombel In the first of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the top online corporate and consumer banks by country and regionally by product or service category. Global Finance is ...