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Foreign Exchange 2013: Global Reserves Diversification

EMERGING STATUS By Gordon Platt Emerging markets currencies are beginning to get some respect from central banks. The Federal Reserves decision to delay tapering its monetary stimulus has provided a temporary boost to emerging markets currencies and financial markets. And ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Foreign Exchange 2013: Measuring Up

The foreign exchange market, the largest asset class in the world, is continuing to grow and evolve. Globally, FX trading averaged $5.3 trillion a day in April 2013, up from $4 trillion per day in April 2010 and $3.3 trillion ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Africa’s Infrastructure: Power To The People

ANNUAL SUPPLEMENT: AFRICA 2013 By Dan Keeler Innovative financing techniques and growing investor sophistication are prompting a surge of interest in sub-Saharan infrastructure projects. Sub-Saharan Africa is rapidly turning into the growth and investment story of the ...


Central Banker Report Cards 2013

‘A’ FOR EFFORT, ‘B-’ FOR RESULTS By Antonio Guerrero, Anita Hawser and Gordon Platt Global Finance presents its annual report on the performance of the world’s central bank governors. There are a lot of new faces among ...

Country Report

Country Report: Turkey

THE COST OF INSTABILITY By Justin Keay The full effects of recent upheavals and unrest in Turkey have not yet been felt, and policymakers have some serious work ahead to bring markets back in order and reassure investors ...

Editor's Letter

Editor’s Letter: New Agenda For BRICs?

DEAR READER OCTOBER 2013 | Vol. 27 No. 9 The annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Washington coincide this year with an important change in the global economic climate. Early, faint signs ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Equity: US JOBS Act Stimulates IPO Activity

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS By Gordon Platt A new US law that makes it easier for smaller companies to raise equity capital is boosting initial public offerings, analysts say. The Jumpstart Our Business Startups, or JOBS Act, was largely ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global Trade: Rise Of The Superblocs

SPECIAL REPORT By Erik Heinrich Free-trade superblocs are being negotiated in North America, Europe and Asia. They will forever alter the flow of commerce and finance—and leave winners and losers in their wake. The world is poised ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

M&A: Brazil, Latin America In Slump

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS By Gordon Platt Fears that the Federal Reserve would cut back on its bond-buying program, as well as the collapse of Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista’s commodities empire, triggered a sharp decline in mergers and acquisitions ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Polls & Stats: Growth In Noncash Payment Transactions

Emerging Markets See Strong Growth in Noncash Payment Transactions “Mature markets accounted for 77% of the total volumes [of noncash transactions] but ... growth rates are higher in the developing markets—18.7% versus 6.2% in the mature markets in 2011. ...