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Award Winners

Winners’ Circle: Subcustodians

REIGNING SUPREME By Kathryn Tully Global Finance evaluates the Best of the Best Subcustodians in The Winners' Circle: An ongoing look at the top awards winners over the magazine's 25-year history, launched as part of our 25th Anniversary ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Emerging Markets Asset Management

SEISMIC SHIFT By Gordon Platt The emerging markets account for an ever-increasing percentage of global investable assets, and the demand for investors' services is growing commensurately. New domestic players are popping up, and global managers are partnering with ...

Award Winners


Global FinanceannouncesThe Winners’ CircleA ranking of the Top Winners of our Annual Awards over the magazine’s 25-year history NEW YORK, June...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2012: Europe

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt EUROPE Europe’s banks are being pulled in two directions. Governments want them to lend more, especially to small- and medium-size enterprises, while European and national regulators require them to strengthen their ...


Reding Lobbies For Board Member Quotas

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE By Valentina Pasquali In the European Union, women comprise 60% of university graduates but only about 12% of corporate board members. Reding: Tackling red-hot issues such as gender parity The European Commission has decided to take action ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

SEPA: Impact Of Migration End-Dates

BINDING COMMITMENT By Anita Hawser The EC has finally announced a legally binding end-date for SEPA migration. Now companies and their banks must get serious about migrating. During a recent visit to her firm's Canary Wharf offices, ...

Award Winners

Best Providers Of Money Market Funds

By Anita Hawser BEST PROVIDER OF MONEY MARKET FUNDS NORTH AMERICA J.P. Morgan Asset Management In the current economic climate where investors are more cognizant of counterparty risk, highly rated money market funds with sizable assets under management and clear investment ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Sudden Currency Moves And Hedging

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt The euro’s surprising rise early this year, even as the European Central...



Global Finance announces a half-yearly update World’s 50 Safest Banks: April 2012 NEW YORK, March 1, 2012 Bank stability is...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: Depositary Receipt Pipeline Full

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt Depositary receipt investors pushed trading to a record high last year, demonstrating the continued popularity of DRs, despite challenging market conditions. While the amount of capital raised by corporate ...