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Includes historical data for Montenegro’s Gross Domestic Product growth, debt-to-GDP ratio and more, as well as information on trade, banking...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Balkans: Leaders See Eye To Eye

MILESTONES By Justin Keay Not long ago, it would have been almost impossible to get the leaders of the various...

Award Winners

World’s Best Subcustodians 2013: Regional Winners

By Gordon Platt NORTH AMERICA Citi Lee Waite: The rules of the game are not static Citi is the largest subcustodian in the US, the world’s biggest subcustody market. The bank also has the largest proprietary network in the industry, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Debt: Apple Polishes Financial Planning

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: CORPORATE DEBT By Gordon Platt Apple’s $17 billion corporate bond offering was not only the largest in history, but it exemplified a clever financial strategy that will save the company billions of dollars in US taxes. ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: CEE

COVER STORY: HARD TIMES By Justin Keay A sustainable recovery remains as elusive as ever for many of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall and the demise of the ...


Montenegro Aims To Be The Next Mediterranean Tiger

NEWSMAKERS: MONTENEGRO Montenegro Aims To Be The Next Mediterranean Tiger By Justin Keay Luksic: Reforms should help attract investors Most small European countries are still suffering in the wake of the recent downturn, with foreign direct investment (FDI) ...


Global Economic Indicators: Key Sources and Links

Global Finance’s selection of the best links to authoritative sources of global economic statistics, indicators and data. INTERNATIONAL SOURCES FOR GLOBAL ECONOMIC STATISTICS IMF – International Monetary Fund: Homepage Data and Statistics World Economic Outlook database on selected macroeconomic ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : Crash landing

CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE Central and Eastern Europe has transformed from a beacon of hope into a near basket case astonishingly quickly. Its recovery will be a far slower and no less painful process.   Hard hit: Hungary was one ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story : Waiting In The Wings

EU ACCESSION HOPEFULS Preparing their economies for entry to the European Union is yielding dramatic results for accession candidates and providing inspiration for those that aspire to follow them.   Kiev: Banking market set for sharp growth. While EU accession ...