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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY WINNER GLOBAL WINNER Deutsche Bank REGIONAL WINNER North America Citi Latin America Citi Western Europe Deutsche Bank Honorable...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY WINNER REGIONAL WINNER Americas Citi Europe BNP Paribas CEE UniCredit Nordic Region SEB Middle East Arab Bank Asia...

Award Winners

Features: World’s best trade finance banks 2009

ANNUAL SURVEY / BEST TRADE FINANCE BANKS Trade finance banks are enjoying rising demand for basic risk management services as world trade faces a difficult period. Global trade is expected to decline in 2009 for the first time since 1982, ...


Milestones : Asia’s 1 Billion Muslims Beckon Islamic Bankers

ASIA-PACIFIC     Asia looks to cash in on its emerging Islamic financial center status. The Asia-Pacific region already accounts for 60% of the world’s Islamic banking assets and could be a center of growth for the shariah-compliant finance industry ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : Eastern Promise

CHINA AND INDIA As the global economy continues to struggle, many are hoping China and India will save the world from a synchronized dive into recession.     Growth industry: India's call center business is flourishing. As the United States ...

Award Winners

Features : World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2009

BEST FX PROVIDERS Global Finance selects the leaders in the world’s biggest financial market.   The foreign exchange market has continued to thrive throughout the global financial crisis, providing some welcome profits for beleaguered financial institutions. Average daily turnover has ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Emerging Markets Begin To Feel Pain

NEWS The world’s emerging equity markets had a gloomy summer, falling 19.4% in the three months through August, compared with a decline of 11.55% in developed equity markets in the same period, according to an analysis by Standard & Poor’s. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Risky Business

FOCUS / ECONOMIC NATIONALISM As if the global credit squeeze were not enough, multinationals, particularly in the commodities industries, are also facing a surge in resource nationalism.   Horne: Companies are investing in riskier areas. Fueled in part by soaring ...

Award Winners

Features: Awards: Islamic Financial Institutions

ANNUAL SURVEY / ISLAMIC FINANCE Global Finance selects the winners in a fast-growing area of finance that combines investing according to the tenets of Islamic law with modern financial products and systems.   Islamic finance is a system of ethical ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Drs Moving From Strength To Strength

Global Equity/drs Records galore toppled in the depositary receipt market in 2007, and DR liquidity, prices and capital raising likely will continue to be strong in 2008, as growth continues in the big emerging market economies of Brazil, Russia, India ...