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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Mexico’s Uphill Struggle

COUNTRY REPORT: MEXICO By Paula L. Green Safeguards put in place after the Tequila Crisis helped Mexico’s banks ride out the recent global turmoil. Now they’re facing some new challenges. On the spot: Mexico’s president Calderón faces ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: Latin America

COVER STORY: MUTUAL BENEFITS By Antonio Guerrero Latin America is enjoying growing prosperity as the region develops ever-stronger economic ties with Asia. When Chinese President Hu Jintao took his first tour of Latin America in 2004, he ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

EM Funds Attract Record Inflows

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: NEWS By Gordon Platt Equity funds that are mandated to invest in all emerging markets globally ended September with their 18th consecutive week of net inflows, according to Cambridge, Massachusetts–based EPFR Global. Year-to-date flows into ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Latin America Focus: Brazil Elections

A TOUGH ACT TO FOLLOW By Denise Bedell Investors are preparing for post-Lula life after Brazil's drawn-out presidential election. When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva took over as president of Brazil in January 2003, investors and the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Country Focus: Peru

SECOND ACT By Antonio Guerrero In his second term, Peru’s president Alan Garcia is making amends for the shambles he left his country in after his first term. Peruvian president Alan Garcia is leading one of the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features: The Americas – Latin America Regional Report

ROARING BACK TO LIFE Latin America has shown its strength over the past year and is reaping the benefits of that now, with increasing FDI flows, diversified trading partners and debt markets that are heating up. By Denise ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features: The Americas – Nafta

CAN NAFTA FILL THE GAP? For gaps in Nafta to be plugged, it may take smaller bilateral agreements rather than wide-ranging change to the original FTA. By Denise Bedell Renegotiating Nafta: (from left to right) US president ...


Global Outperformers

EM REGIONAL BANKING FOCUS: LATIN AMERICA By Denise Bedell Latin America is a hotbed of growth, presenting a wealth of opportunities for domestic and international banks. With some of the highest growth rates seen anywhere worldwide ...