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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Global Salon: Ian Bremmer, Eurasia

NO HAND AT THE HELM By Paula Green As part of its Salon series, Global Finance sat down on January 11 with Ian Bremmer, president and founder of political risk analysis firm Eurasia Group, to discuss increasing geopolitical ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: China Three Gorges Wins EDP Bid

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt China Three Gorges, a state-owned company that operates the world's largest hydropower project, bought a 21% stake in EDP, Portugal's largest company and utility. The Chinese company also ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Russia’s 18-Year Odyssey To Join The WTO Finally At An End

MILESTONES: RUSSIA By Kim Iskyan While attention in December was mostly focused on the evolving political environment in Russia, a major economic milestone was achieved on December 16, when the World Trade Organization formally accepted the country as ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Special Report: BRICs

Shifting Trade Flows And The New Consumer By Dan Keeler Fast-growing trade between BRIC countries has been fueled by an expanding middle class. Western rivals face stiff local and regional competition in building emerging markets growth. A ...

Award Winners

Best Foreign Exchange Providers: Regional Winners

By Gordon Platt BEST FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROVIDERS: REGIONAL WINNERS NORTH AMERICA Citi Feig, Citi: We have invested in people and technology and are seeing our market share rise as a result As Citi prepares to celebrate its 200th anniversary in ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Deep Freeze On IMF Lending To Ukraine

MILESTONES: UKRAINE By Kim Iskyan The IMF’s $15 billion loan program to Ukraine looks increasingly likely to be suspended at least until parliamentary elections in October 2012, following an early November visit by the IMF that ended without recommending the resumption ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Lingering Risks

Europe may be the center of attention at the start of the new year, but it is certainly not the only area of the world that worries economists and policymakers...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: Anglo American Controls De Beers

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt Anglo American, one of the world’s largest mining companies, gained a long-coveted majority stake in diamond mining company De Beers, in one of two M&A deals that the British firm ...

Editor's Letter

Between Aid And Contagion

Who would have predicted that the Europeans would try to get financial support from China, Portugal would try to get investment from Brazil, French banks could try for funding from Russia, or that the US administration would criticize the “lack of action” in Europe as a way to divert attention from its own problems?

Award Winners

Biggest Emerging Markets Banks 2011

CHINA’S BIG FOOTPRINT By Andrew Cunningham Global Finance presents its annual listing of the biggest banks in the emerging markets. When it comes to asset size, the dominance of Chinese banks in emerging markets is hard to ...

Country Report

Country Report: Turkey

EVADING A HARD LANDING By Gordon Platt Turkey’s widening trade and current account deficits are making some investors nervous, but government officials are confident they can keep the fast-growing economy from overheating if they apply the proper mix of fiscal ...